Walmart offers quality budget hiking gear

When someone mentions outdoor gear, Walmart isn’t usually the first stop for those purchases. However in 2017, Walmart acquired a growing online retailer called Moosejaw. For the most part Walmart has been quiet with the involvement and growth of the retailer, until now. Moosejaw and Walmart have “collaborated” to create what they say is an “inclusive focus” line of backpacks under the name Lithic, and Allforth for outdoor clothing.
The collaboration allows to brings Moosejaw’s knowledge of the outdoors, with Walmart’s ability to lower prices. The goal of the brands are to offer quality performance, and extended sizes from S to 3XL for men and XS to XXL to women.
The brands are prices from 50 to 100% less than competitors. Example would be a down sleeping bad priced at $109 weighing at 1.87 pounds good for a 35 degree rating. The next name brand competition offering costs $240.
I’m not sure about you, but with everyone wanting to get out and experiencing nature during this pandemic, Walmart might have just hit a homerun. Early reviews of the equipment are trending positive, especially at those price points. Walmart also has a huge advantage over almost all other retailers, being they aren’t far from most of the US. Right now they are only in 50 stores, but you can get it from their website at
If this is anything like their Ozark brand, I’m going to check these out. Will you?