Court Rules NRA Lawsuit Against Alameda County Can Proceed

Earlier this year, the NRA teamed up with other defenders of the Second Amendment and sued four Northern California counties for closing gun shops and ranges as non-essential businesses under their emergency COVID 19 orders. The lawsuit alleged that those four counties violated our members’ Second Amendment right to acquire and train with firearms. Santa Clara, Contra Costa, and San Mateo counties repealed their orders shortly after the lawsuit was filed and allowed gun shops and ranges to reopen. Those counties were dismissed from the lawsuit.
Alameda county chose not to repeal its order, however, and asked the court to dismiss the suit against it. The court denied Alameda’s motion to dismiss the case, instead ruling that we can proceed with our Second Amendment claim against the county.
The case is called Altman v. Alameda. It is filed in the U.S. District Court for the Northern District of California.
Please stay tuned to for future updates on this case, and all of ILA’s efforts to defend your constitutional rights.